Sunday, November 22, 2009

VBScript: trabajando con ficheros (II)

VBScript: trabajando con ficheros (II)

Microsoft proporciona mediante FSO una herramienta para trabajar con carpetas y ficheros.

Microsoft se refiere a FileSystemObject como a un "Object Model", esto puede entenderse como sinónimo de clase. Así, FSO es una clase mediante la cual se puede trabajar con ficheros y carpetas. Esta clase está en la librería de nombre "Scripting", que está en la dll: Scrrun.dll.

En la sesión anterior abrimos un fichero para leer su contenido y recorrimos su contenido línea a línea.

En la siguiente dirección hay una lista de los métodos que proporciona esta clase:

y aquí está la lista, cada nombre de función es un link a una página con una explicación detallada con un ejemplo:

BuildPath Method

This method is used to append a name onto an existing path.

[newfullpath = ]object.BuildPath(path, name)

CopyFile Method

This method allows us to copy one or more files from one location (the source) to another (destination).

Syntax: object.CopyFile source, destination [, overwrite]

CopyFolder Method

Copies one or more folders and all contents, including files and subfolders, from one location to another.

Syntax: object.CopyFolder source, destination, [, overwrite]

CreateFolder Method

This method allows us to create a folder.

Syntax: object.CreateFolderfoldername

CreateTextFile Method

Creates a text file and returns a TextStreamObject that can then be used to write to and read from the file.

Syntax: object.CreateTextFile
filename [, overwrite[, unicode]]

DeleteFile Method

This method deletes a specified file or files (using wilcards).

Syntax: object.DeleteFile
file [, force]

DeleteFolder Method

This method deletes a specified folder, including all files and subfolders.

Syntax: object.DeleteFolder
folder [, force]

DriveExists Method

This method lets us check if a specified drive exists. It returns True if the drive does exist and False if it doesn't.

Syntax: object.DriveExists(drive)

FileExists Method

Lets us check whether a specified file exists. Returns True if the file does exist and False otherwise.

Syntax: object.FileExists(file)

FolderExists Method

Allows us to check if a specified folder exists. Returns True if the folder does exist and False if it doesn't.

Syntax: object.FolderExists(folder)

GetAbsolutePathName Method

This method gets the complete path from the root of the drive for the specified path string.

Syntax: object.GetAbsolutePathName(path)

GetBaseName Method

This method gets the base name of the file or folder in a specified path.

Syntax: object.GetBaseName(path)

GetDrive Method

This method returns a Drive object corresponding to the drive in a supplied path.

Syntax: object.GetDrive(drive)

GetDriveName Method

This method gets a string containing the name of the drive in a supplied path.

Syntax: object.GetDriveName(path)

GetExtensionName Method

Used to return a string containing the extension name of the last component in a supplied path.

Syntax: object.GetExtensionName(path)

GetFile Method

Returns the File object for the specified file name.

Syntax: object.GetFile(filename)

GetFileName Method

This method is used to return the name of the last file or folder of the supplied path.

Syntax: object.GetFileName(path)

GetFileVersion Method

This method is used to return the version of the file in the
specified path.

Syntax: object.GetFileVersion(path)

GetFolder Method

This method returns a Folder object of the folder specified in the folder parameter.

Syntax: object.GetFolder(folder)

GetParentFolderName Method

Returns a string containing the name of the parent folder of the last file or folder in a specified path.

Syntax: object.GetParentFolderName(path)

GetSpecialFolder Method

Returns the path to one of the special folders - \Windows, \System or \TMP.

Syntax: object.GetSpecialFolder(folder)

GetTempName Method

This method is used to generate a random filename for a temporary file..

Syntax: object.GetTempName

MoveFile Method

Moves one or more files from one location to another.

Syntax: object.MoveFile source, destination

MoveFolder Method

Moves one or more folders from one location to another.

Syntax: object.MoveFolder source, destination

OpenTextFile Method

Opens the file specified in the filename parameter and returns an instance of the TextStreamObject for that file.

Syntax: object.OpenTextFile(filename [, iomode[, create[, format]]])

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