La estrella invitada es:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International
donde hay valores: REG_SZ
a continuación posteo todos los valores:
iCountry Country code is the international telephone code, except for Canada, which is 2. The default is 1.
iCurrDigits Number digits displayed after the decimal separator. The default is 2.
iCurrency Determines how currency is displayed:
Value | Meaning |
0 | $2 |
1 | 2$ |
2 | $ 2 |
3 | 2 $ |
iDate Determines how dates are displayed:
Value | Meaning |
0 | mm/dd/yy |
1 | dd/mm/yy |
2 | yy/mm/dd |
iDigits The number of digits displayed after the decimal separator in numbers. The default is 2.
iLZero Leading zeros are not displayed if 0 (default). A Leading zero is displayed if set to 1.
iMeasure Metric is 0, U.S. is 1
iNegCurr Determines the format for displaying negative numbers (default is 1):
Value | Meaning |
0 | ($100.00) |
1 | -$100.00 |
2 | $-100.00 |
3 | $100.00- |
4 | (100.00$) |
5 | -100.00$ |
6 | 100.00-$ |
7 | 100.00$- |
8 | -100.00$ |
9 | -$ 100.00 |
10 | 100.00 $- |
11 | $ 100.00- |
12 | $ -100.00 |
13 | 100.00- $ |
14 | ($100.00) |
15 | (100.00 $) |
iTime Determines if the clock is 12 hours (0) or 24-hour (1).
iTLZero The default of 0 means hours may have single digits, a 1 pads to double digits.
Locale locale ID for spoken language. The default is U.S. English which is 00000409.
s1159 AM indicator for a 12 hour clock.
s2359 PM indicator for a 12 hour clock.
sCountry Country name. The default for U.S. English is United States.
sCurrency Currency symbol. The default for U.S. English is $.
sDate Date separator. The default for U.S. English is /.
sDecimal Decimal separator symbol. The default for U.S. English is the . (period).
sLanguage Language abbreviation: (U.S. English is ENU)
Value | Meaning |
CSY | Czech |
DAN | Danish |
DEA | German (Austrian) |
DES | German (Swiss) |
DEU | German |
ELL | Greek |
ENA | English (Australia) |
ENC | English (Canada) |
ENG | English (U.K.) |
ENI | English (Irish) |
ENU | English (U.S.) |
ENZ | English (New Zealand) |
ESM | Spanish (Mexican) |
ESN | Modern Spanish |
ESP | Castilian Spanish |
ETI | Estonian |
FIN | Finnish |
FRA | French |
FRB | French (Belgian) |
FRC | French (Canadian) |
FRS | French (Swiss) |
HUN | Hungarian |
ISL | Icelandic |
ITA | Italian |
ITS | Italian (Swiss) |
NLB | Dutch (Belgian) |
NLD | Dutch |
NON | Norwegian (Nynorsk) |
NOR | Norwegian (Bokmal) |
PLK | Polish |
PTB | Portuguese (Brazilian) |
PTG | Portuguese |
RUS | Russian |
SKY | Slovak |
SVC | Swedish |
SVE | Swedish |
TRK | Turkish |
sList List separator character. The default for U.S. English is , (comma).
sLongDate Long Date format:
Value | Meaning |
dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy | Wednesday, November 19, 1997 |
MMMM dd, yyyy | November 19, 1997 |
dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy | Wednesday, 19 November , 1997 |
dd MMMM, yyyy | 19 November , 1997 |
sShortDate Short date:
Value | Meaning |
MM/dd/yy | 03/08/99 |
M/d/yy | 3/8/99 |
M/d/yyyy | 3/8/1999 |
MM/dd/yyyyy | 03/08/1999 |
yy/MM/dd | 99/03/08 |
dd-MM-yy | 08-Mar-99 |
sThousand Thousands separator. The default for U.S. English is , (comma).
sTime Time separator. The default for U.S. English is : (colon).
sTimeFormat The default is HH:mm:ss
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